and my doctor told me I would need a medical escort to fly home with me. SkyMed arranged to fly me home and arranged and paid for my friend, Yolanda, to fly with me to assist me as soon as I was released.
How did you find out about SkyMed and why did you choose SkyMed? My cousin and I are both widows. I have a place in Sedalia, Missouri and my cousin has a place in San Benito, Texas and we travel back and forth. A couple of years ago we heard about SkyMed at a campground in San Benito when Kay Oshel gave a presentation. We figured it would be good to get SkyMed together to be safe and we remembered that a friend of ours had been involved in a terrible motorcycle accident and had to be airlifted. He had no insurance and was forced to pay a lot of money out of pocket. That’s another reason why we both decided to buy SkyMed and we’re glad we did.
What would you tell your friends about your experience with SkyMed? I tell people that after just having back surgery there was no way I could have endured traveling by car in the shape I was in. I’m so glad I made the call to SkyMed because they took care of everything. Getting me home from rehab was the greatest thing SkyMed did for me because I really needed to be here. Since rehab I’m doing well, I’m driving again, and I thank the Lord and SkyMed for getting me home.